Success is like Suicide

"Success is like suicide, suicide, this is suicide; If you succeed prepare to be crucified." - Jay Z This post will have another personal tone, due to current circumstances. Something I rarely talk about is being an ethnic minority. It’s something that I have lived with my entire life, so I assume I take it as a given. There have been struggles and issues with my own identity development personally, but all and all I have come to a sense of who I am from all of it. I find myself only considering the ramifications of being a minority when other people bring it to my attention these days. I guess the irony of it is that I live with the ramifications of it every day. It is perhaps why I fail to address them, because they are too much to consider when you are already living such a busy life. However, now that I am about to graduate with my Masters degree, these ramifications have become too strong for me to turn a blind eye too. While most individuals who leave home to at...