
Showing posts from February, 2013

Liberals VS Conservatives: Why everyone has it wrong

The political war: liberalism vs conservatism. Red vs Blue. Democrats vs Republicans. They are backwards, they are elite - we are right, they are wrong. It's a tale as old as time and a song that most of us are tired of hearing. Is there a different way to approach the issue? You bet.  I am going to propose a series of ideas that John Hadit, a moral Social Scientist and writer of "The Righteous Mind: Why Good people are Divided by Politics and Religion" lays out. If during the process of reading this you find yourself dismissing the argument or thinking to yourself why your side (if you politically identify) is right and the other is wrong then that is OK . That is actually what politicians and the media have been counting on you to do. It is partiality how politics has become so divided. It is a natural human instinct that we have evolved to defend our own biases. We call it "rationalization".  There are a few propositions I will lay out before goi