
Showing posts from March, 2019

Experiences in the Correctional Facility: Part 3

Image This is the third  part of my experience as a mental health therapist working in correctional facilities. My last post was nearly two years ago. It is not going to be filtered, so read at your own accord. It's been a year and a half since I left my job at the correctional facility. This will be a more personal reflection than my last two posts. As therapist, we are often trained to not speak about our experiences outside of our professional circles. Advocacy is always a part of mental health, but there is a line we like to tell ourselves we have. That our experiences, or jobs, do not affect us. That is "them" and  the stories we are told and the lives we enter are only a profession. That it is just what we do --- and that is it. That is not it. The lines that we draw become ever so thinner depending on the work we do. My experience in correctional facilities r