Experiences in the Correctional Facility: Part 2

Five years ago I interned at a correctional facility as a young mental health therapist in New York. I wrote a blog post about my experience during that internship. If you want to check that out before reading this, check it out in the link below. "Experiences in the Correctional facility" Since then, I have worked with individuals involved in the criminal justice system from children to adults. Recently, I have been working in a county jail for the last 2 years. Jail is not prison. It is a purgatory. People in jail are innocent until proven guilty. It's hard to keep track of that day by day. I have seen more about the process of mass incarceration. I have heard and sat with thousands of people at this point. The lives of these individuals are complex. Why they end up in these situations are often more complex. But the way we as society view them --- down to the coloring scheme of their jump suits are simple. Good or Bad. Orange and Black. Before I got involved...